Thursday, September 26, 2013

what i wore & what we did

classy selfies in my classroom.

I went shopping yet again for more work clothes this pregnancy.  My destination this time around:  Kohl's.  Now, there are people who love Kohl's and there are people that hate Kohl's.  I happen to be a hater.  I can't pinpoint the exact reason - maybe it's how unorganized all their ugly clothes are?  Maybe it's the $5 stuffed animals or books up front that I can't seem to say no to?  Maybe it's the fact that their return counter is all the way in the back?  Or maybe it's their overly animated cashiers that tell you how much you saved and circle it in red pen?  All of it sends me over the edge.

Anyways, we don't have many options for maternity in our small town, so Kohl's it was.  The only plus of going that way is that I can grab a taco supreme from Taco Hell on the way out of that stupid busy plaza.  However, I actually had some luck - I love this geometric wrap dress.  It was sooo comfy.

On the school side of things, we've been scientifically getting down over here.


Searching for minerals in beach sand - use magnets and you can find the mineral magnetite!


The 7th graders made "Layers of the Atmosphere" board games and played them.

And in Biology we made chromatograms, separating pigments of plants.
Quotes of the week are both courtesy of our awesome new Filipino student.  He has a very thick accent, so make sure you envision them that way.
As we're walking to the library last week, there was a man that was having a lot of trouble starting his truck. 
"Wow, I think his truck has run out of energy." 
Then, as we were discussing something we'd like to buy and setting goals on how we can earn the money, he says:
"I wish every person on the planet would give me a dollar.  Except for the homeless people."  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

pumpkin picking 2013

After a dreary, rainy morning the sun came out just in time for us to head out to the pumpkin patch this afternoon!  It works to your advantage when your husband has his own - no fees, no corny tour guide, and no kettle corn to tempt the pregnant visitors.   

Patrick had a hard time walking through all the vines.  His little dance moves were cracking me up.

Seriously, he is a twin of his father.

We got to take the Gator out to the field.  We don't mess around - we like a lot of pumpkins surrounding our house.

Wuuuzup buddy?

Jeff showed us the pond where they party hardied back in his high school days.  Things are a little different now, huh?  A baby instead of a Busch.

We came back to the farm and made faces at the nasty cows unloaded all 15 of of our pumpkins into the car.  Patrick got to stay and help Daddy and Mommy got to go home and decorate it up.

Who's that creepy lady in the reflection?  And don't judge my urns - I am fully aware I was too lazy to actually pot my mums.
But hey, the day was perfection.  Patrick was obviously on cloud nine, but little do my guys know that I was too.  They make my heart swell!  I even got some video that I'm planning on making a mini movie out of so stay tuned.
And now to make the day even more perfect, Jeffrey & I are outty.  September date night! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

34 weeks

  • This week I had my prenatal appointment with Dr. Visci, who made it clear that my weight gain is right on track (25 lbs.) and that I only gained a pound in between appointments.  Good doctor.  ::pets head:: 

  • The baby is head down and lying on a slant, which is why his little bum is always busting out of my right side.  I actually started feeling much more precise movements lately - it almost feels like small hands and feet scraping across my belly.

  • Babycenter says he's the size of a cantaloupe.  The fruit comparisons just don't do it for me.  I mean, is that supposed to help me visualize?

  • I'm definitely feeling the discomfort more often while I'm working these days.  Sitting in certain positions is making me dizzy and weak, therefore I'm constantly moving all day long.  That can be difficult when I need to sit still in order to get 50 tests graded.  Or when I'm at church with my students and I have to get up for a drink every six minutes.

  • Maternity clothes have me on wit's end.  What is it about that?  When I was 12 weeks pregnant I would've given anything to have the belly to fill those clothes, and now that I have it, I don't feel like spending the money on them.  I keep thinking well it's only six more weeks.  I do love my black dress from Motherhood.  It was a little pricey but a good investment...I'm thinking of wearing it to an upcoming wedding since it's completely comfortable and table-dance-able.  Kidding.  Aaaaand these two h&m dresses just might be my next must-haves. 

  • Now that the weather has cooled down to absolute perfection (68° and partly sunny), I feel like I can make it through these last weeks.  The only new complaint I have is that the muscles around my pelvis are sore at the end of each day.  I really need to start doing my kegel exercises - I think it would help.  So would a $75.00 prenatal massage and a two hour pedi.

  • After I wash my face and get into my pajamas in the evenings, I've been lathering my bump in Mama Bee belly butter.  I've read that only genetics will determine whether or not you get stretch marks but I'm not taking the chance.  I didn't get them last time around and my intention is the same this time.  Anyways, this belly butter is super - it has a mild smell and just plain reminds me of babies.  Totally recommend.

  • And to end on a positive note, food has been my best friend.  Everything tastes divine, and my new fave snacks?  At school, these dark chocolate dusted almonds.  At home?  Caramel apple swirl bread.  Both make me drool.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

it's still summer, no really

If I have to hear one more radio personality say Well, since it's officially fall... 

It's not fall!  Hello!  The autumnal equinox isn't until September 22nd, so we can all just chill the heck out.  Why do we insist on rushing the seasons in?  I mean, I'll admit I have orange mums out front and a scarecrow gawking at our passersby, but I'm not going around saying Oh fall, I'm so glad you're here!  Even Jeff's already talking about when he'll start growing his beard - October 1st he says.

Whatever, since it's still summer I thought I'd share the delicious, light and healthy meal I made last night before heading out to book club.  My house reeked of garlic for 24 hours (and yours will too) but it's worth it.  First you'll need to head over to your local farmer's market and snatch up some veggies.  There's still plenty!

what you'll need:
1.5 lbs of linguine
1/2 cup EVOO
6-8 cloves of garlic, minced
2 zucchini, halved and chopped
2 small bell peppers cut into strips (I had one yellow and one red)
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
a large handful of fresh basil
sea salt
pecorino romano cheese
Get your pasta water boiling and cook according to box directions.  While it's going, heat your oil to medium.  Add the garlic and sautee for a few minutes.  Add the zucchini and peppers and sautee on medium-low for about ten minutes.  Add the cherry tomatoes the last few minutes.  Add your sea salt - be pretty liberal.  Remove from heat and toss in torn basil.  Combine with the pasta and add the cheese on top.  Enjoy the last few weeks of those summer veggies!
(I found that having fresh basil and parsley in pots this summer was an awesomely cheap investment - I actually used both of the plants quite a bit, and they're still going strong!)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

patrick at 2

Patrick, you are the best.  As hard as this age is (they're all hard), I love it.  You are learning so much and manage to crack me up on a daily basis. 

Some of my favorite lines:

  • You slide down our slide and fall on your butt once in a while.  From the bottom of the hill you yell "I'M OKAY!!!"

  • "How bout that?"

  • When we're driving you point out everything.  "Mom, look!  A big tower!"  "Soybean field!"  "Loader/Dozer/Tractor/Semi/Backhoe!!"  "Let's go this way, Mom."  "Cedar Point, way back there!"

  • At the park you chose one of the many slides and sat down, looked up at me and said, "How bout this one?"

  • The other night you hurt yourself in the bathtub and you were holding your hand. 
    • Pat:  Ouch, Mom. 
    • Me:  Did you hurt your hand? 
    • Pat:  No, my finger.

  • Last night the conversation in the car...
    • Me:  We're low on groceries, I think it's going to be pancakes tonight for dinner.
    • Pat:  No way, Mom.  That's yuck.

  • "Bye, Mommy!  Have fun!  See you soon!"  And that sendoff continues when we leave places... "Bye froggies, have fun!"  "Bye trees!"

  • You've become so empathetic and aware of other people's feelings.  If I show any sign of exasperation or pain you immediately come up to me saying "You okay, Mommy?  Feel better?  What's wrong?"

  • Recently you started saying "WhaT?" emphasizing the "t."  So if I say something you didn't hear or something you want me to say again just for fun, you look at me seriously and say "WhaT?"

  • Everytime we pass a school you say "Mommy's school!"

You love your new babysitter and are always smiling and happy when I pick you up.  Somehow that makes it easier to go to work in the morning, because it's been hard.  I want you all to myself.

You've been on a Daddy kick the past couple of weeks.  You follow him around in the mornings while he brushes his teeth, gets dressed, makes his coffee and puts his boots on.  When you lose him in your line of sight you yell "Daddy, where are you?"  Or you'll come up to me while I'm curling my hair and say "Where'd Daddy go?"  It's the sweetest.

At the beginning of each season I always take you for a haircut and new shoes, one pair for play and one for church.  This morning was going to be a haircut (which I completely dread), and I say was because it didn't happen.  I think the hairdresser got three snips in the back before you were too traumatized to continue.  When will this end?  It stresses your Mommy out big time.  She's just intent on you looking your best, don't you see?

Your favorite show is still Dora the Explorer, but some of your new likings include Bubble Guppies, Go Diego Go and Team Umizoomi

You can count to ten, skipping three and four once in a while.  The other day we were at my junior high students' football game.  You said "Mommy, number 2."  It was on the orange 20 yard line sign.  You rock!  We're going to start working on shapes here soon, when you show interest.  I don't like pushing that kind of stuff - I think you'll figure it out on your own when you're ready. 

We tried watching your first movie, A Toy Story.  You said "No Woody!!" so we gave it up.  (I don't like that stupid dinosaur anyways.)

Sleep training has officially ended - it didn't last very long.  I tell you to lay down, to close your eyes and that I love you.  I say I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you and within that amount of time you're asleep.  Greeeeeeeaaaat job, buddy!!

What else can I say?  It's hard to remember all the things you do and say, but gosh you make my days and nights worthwhile.  You make my life worthwhile.  I am so lucky to be your Mommy!

Monday, September 9, 2013

patrick's 2nd birthday party

We had such an amazing party for our little guy over the weekend. We're so blessed with wonderful family and friends who made it a part of their day to make Patrick feel special.  He was such a good boy the whole afternoon - in fact, all the kids were excellent.  It's so sweet seeing all of them grow up and helping with presents and playing together.
 Remember my original cake idea?  The crazy one with the chocolate drizzle cage?  Well, there was no way I had the time to make that one, so I went with this incredible (and semi-easy!) devil's food cake with milk chocolate frosting.  I made the cake layers ahead of time, wrapped them in saran wrap and stuck them in the fridge - two days later they tasted perfectly fresh and delicate, like it was just made.  I was so happy with this recipe and will definitely use it again.

And my feeble attempt at a (free) mini bunting decoration on the cake?  Turned out perfect.  I've seen those flags all over Pinterest but never thought it was my style.  I was so wrong, it ended up being my favorite decoration!  I printed the letters out from here - this lady has all colors (bolds, brights & pastels) plus a tutorial.  I used double sided tape and wrapped the letters around some baker's twine.  Easy peasy.

My menu ended up getting modified due to time constraints and major pregnancy energy issues, but turned out traditional and delicious.  I had shredded chicken sandwiches, pasta salad, mini pigs in a blanket, veggies & dip and fruit kebabs.  The tablecloths are Mara Mi from Target and the balloons are from Amazon (the same as last year's, just a different color!)  I love the dots - they add so much cheer to a room.  I think 12 balloons cost somewhere around $5.00 and the helium to fill them was $2.00.  Cheap, cute, easy.

The party favors were filled with fun stuff - Dora sunglasses, stretchy lizards, swirly straws, mini markers and mini skateboards. 

 I made these labels before I amended the menu, therefore they didn't end up getting used.  But it was also because my sister made fun of me for labeling "watermelon & cantaloupe."  She said hey I'm glad you labeled that because I wouldn't have had a clue what those were.  Whatever Linds, they're cute.  I just used red cardstock and Martha Stewart chalkboard labels.  I found the chalk pencil at our local teacher's store.
Here's a little vid of us singing Happy Birthday to Pat.  He's such a doll.

P.S.  I know you're disappointed that there aren't more photos of the sweaty beached whale at the party, a.k.a. Mommy.  We didn't even get a family photo.  For shame!

Friday, September 6, 2013

32 weeks

  • Wow, 32 weeks!  Time is really starting to fly.  Before we know it, a baby will be in our arms.  The past couple weeks have really been great - I've been so excited and anxious about having another baby.  The smells and kisses and onesies and cries, all of it!  A few days ago, though, that excitement was replaced with an overhwhelming calm.  I've been praying a lot for our little family, and finally true peace settled over me.  I imagined myself bunkering down for the winter with my boys and relishing in our new life.  God is such a miracle worker.

  • On another note, everything seems harder with this pregnancy - bending over, buckling sandals, cleaning the shower, putting on underwear, pushing a stroller, cooking, driving.  It's all so difficult!  After bathing, drying, brushing Patrick's teeth and putting on his pajamas I am legitimately out of breath.  Sometimes it even feels like standing or sitting still for too long is a chore.  My feet ache terribly at the end of my work days, and my evening nosebleeds seem to have taken on a mind of their own.
  • I am running out of things to wear to work already.  Since it's been warm (even with the cool down) I've exhausted all of my dressy dresses as well as my capris (that barely fit across my new butt) and blouses (that I had to have sewn together where they open at my boobs).  I'm not an outfit repeater and I swear I will find something new each day until this baby is born.  Check out the most adorable tunic I bought for October.  It's way cuter on me.  Just sayin.

  • On Wednesday I had my 32-week appointment with Dr. Bruner.  I think I was his last of the day so he was a little cranky and managed to easily rub that attitude off on me - I left there so pissed off.  He's like How did you gain 9 pounds in 5 weeks?  I'm all Ummmmm.  He's like You can't do that.  After I almost began crying, he's like The good news is that overall your weight gain is fine, it's just not good to spike like that.  I've gained 23 pounds so far, which I'll admit, it more than I'd have liked to at this point.  So you should've seen me, eating kale in my lunch salads and doing pregnancy yoga at 5:15 am each morning like a champ.  I'll show him.

  • Yesterday I had my fourth ultrasound this pregnancy - it was glorious.  That face just kills me.  Jeff and I decided he looks like Patrick quite a bit.  He was grabbing his feet and yawning and doing all that baby stuff the whole time.  It was so darling.  The sonographer gave him an estimated weight of 4 lbs, 5 oz.  Another "beefy boy," she said.  She also showed me that he has hair!  Just amazing.

i so comfy.

  • Patrick's birthday party is this weekend and I'm busy blogging preparing food and cleaning the house.  What is it about having a party at your house?  It's so exhausting!  No wonder people pay out the big bucks to scare kids to death get pizza at Chuckie Cheese - it's worth it.  I've already slashed a couple big ideas I had, like pumpkin swirl cheesecake...forget that.  And my main dish has turned into shredded chicken sandwiches, which makes me feel guilty for some reason.  I mean, everyone loves it, it just seems too easy or something.  Well, back to cooking.  I'm in the middle of making my cake layers and dreaming of my bed.