Last year was freezing, the year before was scorching, this year was perfect. Well okay, I was sweating (which isn't perfect), but it was close to perfect.
Taking two babies to the parade versus one was a serious full-time job. Since Jeff was in the field, I enlisted my sister to help out. Her one and only job was chasing Patrick.
You guys, this kid doesn't sit still. And he has no social awareness whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong as a parent? Are my expectations too high? I mean, there were no other toddlers in sight who tried to dodge traffic multiple times.
When I could tie him down for a split second, I got to steal some kisses. Check out that 'fro. Haircuts are already on the schedule.
This year we got a spot towards the beginning of the parade to ensure a larger candy retrieval number. It worked. Not one patriotic person that throws candy can resist a toddler waving an American flag. Patrick double-fisted with suckers most of the morning. He also danced, clapped to the beat, and proclaimed "Happy Memorial Day!" to everyone in sight.
Another reason I had to have another adult with us is because in order to transport two children, both of my strollers had to be put to use. It was the biggest pain - a double stroller has been in my dreams since the weather has gotten nice.
Actually, I purchased a double stroller about a month ago. After much debate (and an opinion from the Babies 'R' Us attendant "Jodie"), I ended up going with the Baby Trend...I don't know...Sit 'n Stand Double? Whatever it was, it sucked. Totally and completely sucked. The thing weighed as much as a Mack truck and was twice as long.

At only $169.99, you get what you pay for. The first thing you need to look at when purchasing a double stroller is 1.) What you'll be using it for. My purpose is for going on walks in our little town, so I really wanted a side-by-side. "Jodie" kept telling me I should buy a front-to-back because none of those side-by-sides fit through doors. WHO CARES.
If I wouldn't have had both boys with me (acting a fool in the cart) I could've made a much more sound decision. I felt pressured and overwhelmed and pissed. Obviously I returned the stroller the following weekend, and Babies 'R' Us was amazing about it.
So after reading about a million reviews
// memorial day weekend 2013
// memorial day weekend 2012