Sunday, October 14, 2012

manners, or lack there of

It's kind of like when a guy asks a girl to the prom and she says those dreaded words "Sorry, but I'm going with someone else."  ::SLAP!!!::

Friday I had another meeting in Toledo with some fellow educators.  For some background information, the food always sucks at these things.  You show up ready for a pancake & egg breakfast and they are serving raspberry danish (baked six days ago) that will make your legs jiggle by the end of the conference.  How hard is it to ask the PTO to throw together some fresh fruit and bake a few blueberry muffins?

Anyways, as we're settling in at our table (there were a few others from different schools) I immediately proceed to complain about the fattening breakfast and how I can't afford any extra calories these days.  The woman across the table says "I'm the one who organized this whole thing."


I felt terrible.  I mean, keep your mouth shut Stef!!  Of course I went into a long spiel about how our school is totally guilty of doing the same thing, food is so expensive these days, bla bla bla.

Later, after reading my book for the last hour of the presentation, the woman next to me starts up a conversation.

Pretty woman:  "What do you teach?"

Me:  "A lot of science.  Do you teach here at this school?"

Pretty woman:  "Well I used to.  Now I'm the principal here."

Me:  Crap, crap, crap.  "Aww how nice!"

Isn't that typical?  You just never know who people are, and the polite way to act around anyone you don't know would be to treat them like they're the President.  I just usually learn the hard way.

Speaking of manners, there are some things I find so completely rude:

  • Talking while other people are talking.  At these teacher conferences, you wouldn't believe how awful the teachers are about keeping quiet.  It's unbelievable.  They are the epitome of the worst student.  And I say "they" on purpose because I DO NOT talk while someone else is speaking.

  • Laying your phone on the table during a meeting.  Are you kidding me?  Is your phone so important that it has to be next to your notebook and pencil?  What news are you expecting? Other than your kid texting you asking why you made salisbury steak because it's gross?  Nothing.

  • Throwing things out your car window.  I've observed people throwing entire bags of Burger King PLUS their king-sized Pepsi out the window.  What?!  WHAT?!  Our poor Earth!

  • Not putting your cart back in the cart corral.  La-zy.  Think about the dude who is running in the rain to put those carts away!  (*Note:  If you're at Wal-Mart, go ahead and leave it next to your car.  It's not your fault they don't have any corrals within a half mile of the closer parking spots).

What pushes your 'manners' buttons?

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