Thursday, March 14, 2013

our bedtime routine

Now that Patrick sleeps through the night pretty consistently (maybe 5 of 7 nights?), I really look forward to going to bed.  There's a calm in the air that wasn't always there, and knowing that we'll both be rested in the morning makes it that much better.

Since Patrick was about three months old we've had him on a bedtime routine (probably not unlike many other babies) and it really works for us.   He's always gone to bed early - it's just something we couldn't control, so our routine starts early.

5:30 - Supper. 
Usually consists of whatever I make that night, but if it's too spicy or has hamburger in it, I'll chop up an avocado or sweet potato.  By the way, the perfect sweet potato?  350° for an hour, right on the middle rack.  After 30 minutes, poke it with a fork a few times.

6:00 - Bath.
Recently Jeff has been taking Pat in the shower with him.  When we first started doing that a couple months ago, he would SCREAM bloody murder, but after a few nights he couldn't wait to get in with Daddy.

6:30 - Stories. (and I sneak in a few prayers until he gets antsy)
His favorites haven't changed much, but he is really digging these Fisher Price flap books lately.  And really, he just wants me to point and name everything in books these days, forget the words.

7:00 - Relax.
This is when all of us hang out in the family room, talking and playing.  Before the evil time change, this was collapse-in-crib time after watching Mike the Knight.  Not anymore.  Now we have to listen to Diego and his liberal animal-saving, green Earth CONSERVE OUR NATURAL RESOURCES bullshit.  However, being a scientist I kind of buy into it.

8:00 - Night Night.
I hate that I got suckered into Mommy talk (but I kind of love it too), like night night and boo boo and horsey.  But you just do it automatically, like it's been inside you all along.

Anyways, I still rock Patrick to sleep.  And he still takes his paci to go to sleep.  And I sometimes have to sing our lullaby if he's wound up.  But this is the best part of the day.  Such sweetness in their closed eyes and full pouty lips.  Makes ya wanna have four more.

P.S. - The sheet for sleep.
After visiting Jeff's cousin and wife in Chicago, she swore this fitted crib sheet from PB kids was the reason her son was an awesome sleeper.  She happened to have an extra one in her nursery closet and she actually GAVE IT TO ME.  Like, how do you say thank you when it doesn't do your gratitude justice?  They are so comfy and luxurious, I will never buy anything else for my babies.

Night night!

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