Sunday, March 30, 2014

this is what taking care of two sick kids looks like

This is for real.

This is what my every day has looked like for the past eight days.

This is Mommy. 

Both Patrick and Connor came down with croup last weekend.  I knew it as soon as they both woke up and let out a big cough.  It's the most distinct sound you'll ever hear.  Since it's typically caused by a virus, I knew it just needed to run its course.

A couple days later things weren't better - both had a worsening cough, runny noses and fevers.  Off to the doctor - Patrick had a sinus infection and Connor had a double ear infection.  A few days later, Connor would be diagnosed with RSV.

You guys, there is no sarcasm when I say this has been the most sleep-deprived, trying and heart-breaking week of my life.  These two babies have been downright miserable.  Both were waking up all night long, faces full of snot and tears.  Both were clinging to me as if their lives depended on it. 

It has been horrific.


Now that the boys are on the mend (and the sun is shining), I feel like I can breathe again.  Connor is sleeping in 3 hour increments rather than 45 minutes.  Patrick has learned to cough into his sleeve.  We took a family trip to Target to get some fresh air.  Things are looking up.

If you're considering having children, re-consider.

Just kidding.  But this crap is hard.

connor @ 5 months

17.5 lbs.
12-18 month clothes
size 4 diapers
you love:  playing on the floor, rolling around, standing in your exersaucer and chewing on ev.ery.thing.
you hate:  taking medicine, your pacifier (grrr), and sleeping (grrr).

This hasn't been our best month, bud.  Your night sleep got worse, your naps got shorter, your teething symptoms doubled, aaaaaaand you got sick for the first time.
On the brighter side, though, you're learning new things each and every day!  When we hold you, you climb right up our bellies.  You grab onto my hair and use it as handlebars.  OUCH.  You also squeeze my face and neck.  OUCH.  You're already up on your knees and rocking - you can scoot yourself to the other side of the blanket, and most nights when I get you out of your crib (for the 4th time) you're turned 90°.
You're such a mover that I've had to put away the lounger, and the Bumbo has to be on the floor because you're about to climb right out of it. 
You have a favorite new toy:  Baby Einstein Piano.  You know why I love it?  It plays classical music.  The good ones.  You just love the lights and pushing the buttons. 
You like to take your teething toys and swing them up and down like a German soldier.  It's hilarious.  It's also a little ironic, considering your attitude this month.
Hitler or not, you still light up my life.  Your smile brings more warmth into my heart than anything in the world.  Thank you for being you.  Here's to a much better (and healthier) month!
xoxo, Happy Five Months.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

reuben casseroles & green babies

Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day!  Back in college this was the greatest party night of the year.  Now that I have a child named Patrick, I still have an excuse to make it a fun day.  In the morning I dressed my boys in green tees and took a few photos.  It's practically impossible to do anything other than the bare necessities before jetting off to work, but I had to capture the moment.  I mean, it was the first time they've ever been matching t-shirts.  It's been my lifelong dream to dress my kids in matching clothes.

true story.
another true story.

Typically on St. Patty's Day I throw a corned beef roast into the crock pot with water and let it cook all day.  Then when I get home I boil cabbage and red potatoes for side dishes.  I was sick of the same old.  This year I tried a reuben casserole and even though I'm not a huge rye bread fan, it was delish.  Jeff wholeheartedly approved.

It was no green beer, but it was as Irish as I could make it.

Friday, March 14, 2014

how to live stress-free with a toddler

It's kind of an oxymoron, really.  Living stress-free with a toddler.  

But in all honesty, I would consider myself a (mostly) happy and patient parent.  People comment on my laid back parenting nature and wonder how I accomplish this.  I did too, so I sat down and thought about some of my most tried and true methods to approaching the terrible twos.  

My toddler is what some would call insane.  If I didn't have a particular way of dealing with Patrick I'd surely be in the Looney Bin.  So, the following are my ways of handling the mass chaos that I have thrown at me every three minutes of every single day.

*Side note:  This is not for certain parents.  You know, those with children that behave.  You can take them to a restaurant and they stay in the seat. You can take your children to church and they look at books.  They cling to your leg.  They love you.  

*Second side note:  I'm not a psychologist.  I'm just a mom trying to avoid being jailed for throwing my kid out the window, and I'm here to help you avoid that as well.

Without further ado...

1.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Toddlers are going to climb onto your entertainment centers, they're going to slam doors multiple times a day, they're going to break their crib springs from jumping so high, they're going to "help" but actually dump the entire bottle of vanilla into the mixer.  Our favorite saying these days is "it was an accident."

That's the small stuff.  It really is.  The big stuff is where you make your mark.  Dangerous things like eating Tide soap packets or when they run to the next room with metal tongs in their mouth.  That's where you hammer down.

2.  Don't expect too much.  Toddlers are learning constantly, they don't see things from your point of view.  If it's time to leave because you have to go to work, a toddler doesn't give a crap that they need to put their shoes on.  They will run away because it's much more fun.  This is where I let it go, this is where I give up.  I have two options:  completely let it go and play "Run & Chase" for three minutes.  We only live once, just chill out,  play and laugh along.  The other option is to give up and try in another few minutes.  I'm not going to be able to bend Patrick's body any longer just to get those stupid shoes on.  He's too strong and it's not worth it.  Try again later.

3.  Be consistent with rules and always follow through.  In my opinion, this is one of the hardest parts about parenting.  The very things that make life easier (froot loops while grocery shopping) are the same things that make life harder (no Dora before bed = no relaxing for Mom and Dad).  There has to be rules and there has to be consequences.  Simplicity is the key word here.  A toddler doesn't understand that you worked for a half hour folding clothes so you shouldn't throw them across the room.  They have to be reminded over and over...and over.

Which brings us to...Don't Ask.  Tell.  It drives me nuts when I hear people say to their toddler, "You want to change your diaper?"  Of course they don't want to!  Tell them!  "We are changing your diaper."  However it's nice to give them straightforward choices when you can.  Patrick loves to choose which juice he wants or what game we'll play next.

4.  Stop saying "No" and start saying "Yes."  Now there are obviously times when saying No is unavoidable, but if we say it too much it can be ineffective.  Instead, try distracting them with a positive.  If they're climbing on the table grabbing your beautiful tulips and tearing them into pieces, distract them by saying "Let's get out of here, I can see you're really antsy.  Want to go to grandpa's farm/get the mail/feed the cats/build a fort?"  Tell them what they can do.

Something else I make a concerted effort to do is to say Yes when Patrick asks me to play.  Even if I'm in the middle of changing Connor's diaper or I just started unloading the dishwasher, if Patrick says Let's play letters!  or Let's go cook in the play kitchen!  I drop whatever I'm doing (strap Connor somewhere safe) and go do it.  Literally, this activity will be boring for him in four minutes so it doesn't take much time.  You'll be happier, they'll be happier.  Just say Yes.

5.  Let them get their feelings out.  My automatic reaction to Patrick screaming and pointing "NO MOM!  THAT'S NOT NICE TO ME!" is to yell back "IT ACTUALLY WAS NICE BECAUSE YOU COULD STAB YOURSELF IN THE LEG WITH THOSE KITCHEN SHEARERS." 

Yelling back doesn't work.  He needs to be mad, he needs to yell and he needs to point.  I let him get it all out and tell him that I understand he wants to play with them, but they're like knives and could make him bleed.  Or whatever else I can come up with to scare the living daylights out of him.

6.  Give them lots of love.  So many times when Patrick misbehaves I truly believe he just wants attention.  I try to hug and squeeze and tickle and laugh with him as much as possible.  Try to be an enjoyable, comforting, patient place for your toddler to grow and learn.  After all, they want you to be there.  Not someone else.

7.  Drink.  There are bad days.  Really, really bad days.  Days where I just need to look forward to having a beer after mine and Connor's 4 o'clock nursing session.  It takes the edge off, even if it's just one.  Your inner voice will say "Oh yes, I am an adult, I almost forgot!"  So have a beer.  Have a glass of wine.  And remember that there are thousands of other people living with toddlers and going through the exact same things as you are.

*A third side note:  Remember - this post was not about getting your toddler to behave.  I don't know how to do that.  I just know how to live with them.

Friday, March 7, 2014

five years

Five years is a pretty big deal, right?  I like to think of it as the first of the "Biggies."  Obviously the one year anniversary is special in its own way, but I think from there on out couples start to count by fives.  

For some reason I just knew I wouldn't feel like going out tonight - it's Friday and I'm always exhausted, so I'm grateful we went out last weekend.  We thought Sunday would be ideal - not too busy, calm and peaceful like Sundays tend to be.  First we drove to a new German restaurant that's in the next town over, but it was closed on Sundays.  Second we tried a local Italian place with amazing food - they don't serve any alcohol (we hopped right up).  We ended up across the street at a bar called The Green Emerald that's situated in a seriously old building right on the main drag.  We were the only ones there, the place was decked out for St. Patty's Day, and we had the TV all to ourselves (E! Red Carpet at the Oscar's).  

It was like the most perfect date ever.  Jeff had Busch Light and I had two tall Blue Moons, he had "the best burger he's ever eaten" and I had a strip steak with asparagus.  We laughed about Giuliana's too-big dress and toasted to Five Years of Awesomeness.

One phenomenal honeymoon.  Two precious boys.  Three big fights.  Four crappy meals.  Five lovely years.  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

connor @ 4 months

17 lbs, 3 oz  (75th percentile)
12-18 month clothes
size 4 diapers

you love:  standing on our lap and bouncing, tummy time, rolling over (just back to belly right now), interacting with people at all times, and being held.

you like:  Daddy.  He's finally not making you scream.  In fact, he's quickly becoming one of your favorites!

you hate:  being in one place for too long.


You're still the most loving baby I have ever met, and everyone notices!  When you look at us, you look into our soul and love just beams right out of you!  

The greatest thing that happened this month is the way you've taken to your brother.  You watch his every move and he truly is your entertainment.  You'd rather observe him jumping on the couch than play with a toy any day.  Your head just bobs along side to side as he moves.  You even calm down when you hear his voice.

But speaking of toys, you love those too.  Your favorite is your Sophie the Giraffe but you also love your football (which looks pretty natural on you) and other teething toys.  Everything I put in your hands you bring right to your mouth - and if you don't have a toy, your fingers or your toes are in there.

You've really found your voice this month!  You squeal and yell and talk more than ever.  Sometimes it's so loud I have to plug my ears.  Another boisterous boy!

 We moved you into a crib - you had long outgrown the co-sleeper.  You look so comfortable in there and most nights you scoot yourself around into the corners and your arm will hang through the bars.  I've got to get one of those breathable bumpers for you!

On the subject of nighttime.  Have you heard of the 4-month sleep regression?  Yep, you've plopped yourself right down in it and aren't looking to leave anytime soon.  Your new nighttime regime is going to bed at 8, waking up at 1, then again at 4.  Most times I can get you back to sleep but Patrick will wake you up at 5.  And Mommy has been up since 4.  It's great...

Overall, you get more fun and more wonderful every day.  Your heading straight for my very favorite baby age of all time - five months!  

I love you to the moon and back.

xoxo & Happy Four Months.