With Jeff:
On the home front -- he's been shoveling sidewalks and plowing our driveway non-stop (until this week because almost all of the snow has melted!). Him and Patrick have played outside when it hasn't been too cold. Stupid winter! Jeff's also begun our upstairs renovation (!!!) and has been moving rather swiftly through it. All the plaster is torn down, carpet has been ripped up and new wiring and outlet boxes have been installed. The drywall arrived last week and will be installed tomorrow. There are currently three rooms up there- one large and two small. The larger room will have a bathroom added in so the boys can use that as they get older. It's now time for me to officially start the interior decorating for a Big Boy room and a kid's bathroom. So. Excited.
On the farm -- Jeff and his brother have kept super busy this winter: painting, fixing, changing oil and the list goes on. Pretty soon we'll be talking about planting season, which seems so crazy.
With nursing:
We're still going strong over here, purely out of my own laziness. Get out of bed? Run the water? Make a bottle? No thanks. It's such a piece of cake these days, like second nature - it's just what we do! Obviously with me working I have had to pump every day, twice a day to keep the supply up for the babysitter. It's like my second job that also requires a degree. Oh you're an engineer? I'm a Pumping Professional, pleased to meet you. It's the biggest pain but it has to be done. In fact, last week I had my first encounter with the feeling of losing pumped breast milk. I forgot to put my milk into the freezer when I got home from work so the next morning it was spoiled after sitting in my school tote all night. It literally made me sick to my stomach. All that work! Down the drain! I cried.
With Patrick:
He's become the ultimate threat: a sneaky, loud, and smart toddler. Those sound semi-negative but he's so much fun (if you call flopping on the floor with head in hands "fun") right now - he's making us laugh around the clock. I put his Team Umizoomi DVD on yesterday morning and he said...
Dad turned this off. He had to watch the Farm Report!!
He's noticing all kinds of shapes like the tiles on our floor: DIAMONDS, Mama! The moon in the sky: It's a crescent! Or when we're driving: There's a sign for us to stop!
His sleep: You all know my struggles with Patrick and sleep. I'd say he sleeps through the night about 4 of 7 nights. When he does sleep through, he is in bed at 7:30 and up at 5 am (sometimes 10 til!). I know what you're thinking - put him to bed later, duh! But it doesn't matter. We've tried it all. His internal clock screams at him if it's one minute past five.
The nights that he wakes up it's typically because he's scared - the poor kid has been having bad dreams. He tells me what they're about: bugs, chickens, bears, monsters, you name it. I feel horrible about them and did some research for reassurance. Apparently it's normal because of their new-found imaginations. I hope it doesn't last much longer because it's hard on my heart.
Our favorite items these days are the new Huggies Slip-on Diapers. They're a bit more expensive than regular diapers but make the changes so much faster. Pat can just stay standing to put them on like undies, which is serving as a great transition for when that day comes. ::shreek::
Our favorite items these days are the new Huggies Slip-on Diapers. They're a bit more expensive than regular diapers but make the changes so much faster. Pat can just stay standing to put them on like undies, which is serving as a great transition for when that day comes. ::shreek::
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if you have a babe, gotta getcha a Sophie. |
With family:
This is my sister's fiancé. Yes, her fiancé! My sister and her boyfriend, Dale, got engaged last week. We couldn't be happier for them and are anticipating a wedding next fall. My sister totally has that bride-to-be glow going on. The one where she stares at her ring all day and takes it off when she's washing dishes. (She'll learn that it will immediately be misplaced if you take it off.)
In other news, my brother and his wife are expecting their second baby next month. They haven't found out the gender so we're extra excited for that special day! They already have a girl so everyone is (secretly) hoping for a boy.
With School:
My feelings about work are hot and cold. Some days I feel right on - like it's my passion and the students truly make my day. Other days I feel off, like I resent the never ending meetings and open houses because I could be spending that time with my boys. In other words, I love teaching and I love my students. I hate meetings and I hate weekend work. Shocking, right?
The coolest thing my 6th and 7th graders put together is a huge periodic table on my classroom wall (see middle). Each student picked an element, researched it and created a tile. It's been our biggest resource when discussing chemical bonds and elements in general. We love it.
In other news, my brother and his wife are expecting their second baby next month. They haven't found out the gender so we're extra excited for that special day! They already have a girl so everyone is (secretly) hoping for a boy.
With School:
My feelings about work are hot and cold. Some days I feel right on - like it's my passion and the students truly make my day. Other days I feel off, like I resent the never ending meetings and open houses because I could be spending that time with my boys. In other words, I love teaching and I love my students. I hate meetings and I hate weekend work. Shocking, right?
The coolest thing my 6th and 7th graders put together is a huge periodic table on my classroom wall (see middle). Each student picked an element, researched it and created a tile. It's been our biggest resource when discussing chemical bonds and elements in general. We love it.
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