Tuesday, April 30, 2013


  • We're finally enjoying the weather here in Ohio.  What a drag it has been, but it looks like we can now say there will be no more snow.  Or temps below 40°.  Or overcast with drizzle.

  • I'm getting ready to embark on a journey to the Lake Erie islands with my 6th graders for their class trip - I cannot wait!

  • My go-to lunch to pack for Patrick has been turkey pinwheels w/ honey mustard, colby jack cheese cubes, and green grapes w/ blackberries.  I'm a FA-REAK about lunch meat so I question the deli chick up and down about ingredients and expiration dates and listeria until she's ready to punch me in the face.

  • It's almost to that I'm in all maternity clothes moment.  I can still get away with a few shirts/dresses from my pre-prego days (that already seem in the distant past), but not too much.  The problem is in the maternity - I don't even come close to filling half the shirts I have - they are like circus tents.  What's a girl to do?  Throw a skinny belt under my boobs and wear them anyway.

  • This household is ready to sue the Huggies company.  Let me tell you - they're worthless.  When Patrick was an infant we had so many free diapers that I didn't care what brand they were, and really, a newborn doesn't pee all that much so you don't notice quality until they're peeing buckets around 6 months.  That's when I knew I was a Pampers SuperMom.  You'll pay for it in price but it's worth paying double over Luvs.  Did you hear me?  Worth paying double.  By the way, if you follow me on Instagram (@sambg321) you saw how elated I was when I found that Target is now selling Pampers Swaddlers in sizes 4 & 5...because Swaddlers have the same quality as the regular PLUS they're sooooo soft and comfy on the bum.  Anyways, we ran out of diapers last night so I had to throw a stupid Huggies on Patrick.  What do you know?  He's up at 3:36 am due to a soaking wet leg.  I hate you Huggies! 

  • That was a rant.  A current rant. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

some great finds

1.  fruit chillers by Del Monte.

Although I don't want to make them an everyday thing, Patrick loves them and they're semi-healthy.  Definitely more healthy than your typical popsicle made of sugar and water...

2.  jammy sammy's by Plum Organics.

These Plum Organics products have really come in handy over the course of my child's eating days, and now they're conveniently located at Target.  When he was about 7 months I would give him the puréed pouches and when he was around 15 months I gave him their fruit snacks. 

Once again, these jammy sammy's aren't an everyday occurrence - I mean how long does it take to make a fresh pb&j?  But they're nice for when we're on the road or going somewhere around lunchtime.

3.  cheesy ravioli by Annie's.

Less processing.  Less ingredients.  I love you Annie's!  Screw you Chef Boyardee!

4.  touch-up by Windex.

I've read some shady stuff about Windex cleaner so I'm not 100% sure about this, but it's very nice for touch-ups.  You don't say?

I'm really looking into making more of my cleaning products - I'm planning on trying this "recipe" for a natural glass cleaner when I clean my 20 windows this spring.  Get real, I'll only do four.

5.  recycle bins by Flings.

 These can be found at Target by the trash bags, waaaay at the end of the aisle (as if they're saying buy a crapload of plastic bags and parchment paper FIRST, then you can recycle it all!).  These are the bomb.  They're easy, fun and reusable.  They were on sale for $3.99 for four of them which I thought was a steal.  The only issue I have is that they fill up fast for a family that goes through milk jugs and water bottles like a newborn goes through boob milk.

So there they are, the random things I ended up liking.  Please please share your favorite finds recently.  I'm all about conforming to the latest trends (and being healthy at the same time!)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

telling my students + a disturbing image

These kids are so much fun - I totally looked forward to telling them and the announcement ended up exceeding my expectations.  I had each of those pieces of paper in an envelope hidden around the room.  When I had my four students find all of them during the "scavenger hunt," they went in front of the room and read what was on their paper.  So really, the kids announced it, not me.  They laughed and smiled and cheered and congratulated.  One kid said "wait, you're pregnant AGAIN?"

What I wasn't expecting was the reaction I got from my high schoolers.  I knew they wouldn't be screaming like the younger ones, but I at least thought they would clap and say congratulations.

Didn't happen.

The freshman literally stared at me like I had five heads.  Then they started side-eyeing their friends and were obviously thinking "OUR TEACHER HAD SEX.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD."

Me:  Guys, why is this awkward?  This is the most awkward moment ever.

Student:  Well, you're young.  And you don't look pregnant.  And how can you be pregnant?  I mean, I have a cousin that's pregnant.

Me:  What do you mean how can I be pregnant?  I am married you know.  And I already have a child you know.

Students: Silence

Me: Okay, let's just not talk about it anymore. When you're ready you can ask me questions or just feel free to comment on my enlargening waistline. Onto tropical air masses...

I was so shocked at their reaction, but after the fact I thought what a dummy, you should've known!! Since that day they've gradually become more open to the idea that their young teacher is having sex and because of that is now with-child. Today I got asked if I was going to be really mean just like the PE teacher was when she was pregnant.

Speaking of my students, today was one of those moments as a teacher where you want to crawl in a whole and die.  I brought in a few National Geographic VHS tapes from home (from my dad circa 1987) and let the students pick which one to watch.  They voted on the killer whales.  No more than ten minutes into the video (which I hadn't seen prior to class - mistake #1) the British narator is bluntly talking about the sexual nature of orcas and their mating rituals.  Whaaa??  After they all start giggling but nothing too chaotic, they show a shot of a male in the upside down "mating position" and then if it couldn't get any worse, a huge shot of a male killer whale PENIS, just floating along with the water.  And it was obviously a penis - the thing looks just like a human's but forty times bigger.

It was so so funny and so so humiliating.  I know as a science teacher I should be all it's nature!  it's science!  it's all natural!  But this stepped over the line a bit seeing as I was teaching 16-year-olds.

See what I mean? 

P.S. You're welcome.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

earth day 2013

Celebrating Earth Day is so rewarding as a teacher, especially with my younger students.  They get so hyped up about recycling and helping our planet - they start saying "organic" and "go green" because I tell them it's cool, and they're willing to try some new food.  Each year I make a healthy snack in attempt to expand their horizons.  (They like french fries.  That's it.)  So when I brought in Earth Day Bars they were a little hesitant.  Oats?  Raisins?  COCONUT? 

But then I told them it called for butter and Bisquick too, so they agreed to try them....and loved them of course.

Have you ever heard of Spoonful?  It's Disney's blog!  They have a ton of cute ideas for kids, including recipes, which is where I found this one.

We also started making birdhouses that each student can take home and hang in their backyard.  I was really looking for a kit that could be put together with wood glue and ended up finding the perfect ones at our local craft store - $1.34 each with our school discount.  Score.  Since they were so cheap and I already had the purchase order approval, I made the (non-authorized) exective decision to load up on wood glue, acrylic paint and paintbrushes. 

Tomorrow they can bring in stencils and paint all the details they want on them.  They have loved it!  Well, not so much the parents whose children got paint on their pants.  I tried warning them it wouldn't come out - must bring a smock!  In one ear and out the other.

And Earth Day wouldn't be complete without the nerdiest science teacher's kid dressed in a globe.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

catching fire

If you're cool at all you've probably already seen the trailer for Catching Fire - it premiered last weekend at the MTV movie awards.

This wasn't my favorite of the three books but it looks like they're putting together a sweet movie!


the story of #2

It was a little shocking to say the least.  Jeff and I had discussed "trying" in January and we conceived in February.  I was like SAY WHAA?  Well, after walking back into the bathroom and reading the double line, it went more like "Holy f***."

Not to make the moment any less significant, of course.  The moment you find out you're pregnant the skies part and God's angels start singing and there is nothing in the world remotely close to the happiness you feel.

It's just that I was very surprised, and when I get surprised, I cuss.  Because I'm ignorant like that.

Those first couple weeks are so wrenching not telling anyone.  I knew Jeff would be the first to know (obvs) but I wanted to make it really special, and possibly even get creative.  Our anniversary was two weeks away and that would make it really really special to tell him then.  But could I really wait two weeks to tell my husband, the very sperm-giver of our fertilized egg?

Heck no!  I could barely wait three minutes!  I did end up waiting three days though.  I finally broke down and told him in a weak moment.  A super sweet, quiet and weak moment.  His response was "Are you sure?  How do you know?"  And just like that, we were on our way to being parents again.

Really though, Patrick was the first one to know.  With my tear-swept face I picked him up and told him he'd have a baby brother or sister.  He was all but Mom, how can you snuggle with me AND a newborn at 2:30 am?  And I was all let's not talk about that now - I don't want to have a panic attack.

My first doctor appointment didn't go quite as planned, but ended up perfect in the end.  After searching for fetal heart tones for 15 minutes and then manually moving my uterus (sounds fun right?) in hopes of helping, my doctor still couldn't find it.

On our way to ultrasound, I kept thinking I can handle this.  If something is wrong it's for a reason.  I'm okay.  It's okay.  But as soon as my head hit the table, silent tears flowed down my cheeks.  I was so scared.  Not for long though because within seconds, the tech found the baby and the heartbeat.  What a miracle!  The baby was wiggling all around and it was the most beautiful sight on Earth.  I wouldn't normally post an ultrasound picture because I think they're very personal and you have to be the mother to appreciate its beauty.  But there's my baby anyway!  Love at first sight.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

curtains & company

Last week I had everything set up for my professional day off in Toledo:  substitute, lesson plans, copies.  I got cash out of the ATM so I could get a fabulous lunch at Balance Grille (the best healthy asian fast food you'll ever have).  My projects were uploaded to Edmodo and ready to be presented.  I was excited!

Then I got a message.  "Where are u today????" from one of my group members.  It was sent at 10:30 AM and it was now 5 PM. 


I checked my schedule.  I WAS WRONG.  It wasn't the 11th, it was the 10th! 

I cried.

This project-based learning training had become very special to me.  Not only did I love learning about it but my group members had become some seriously close friends.  So anyways, I made the most of my day off (oh wait, you thought I would cancel my sub and go to work?  HAHA) and drove my butt to Ikea for a much-needed shopping spree.

Four hours of driving and $300 later, I was satisfied!

I bought two sets of curtains - one for the dining room and one for our master bedroom.  I am obsessed with them both.  I finally feel inspired to do something with these forgotten rooms.  I also picked up the junior chair for Patrick.  He's probably not quite ready for it because he thinks he can get up and down throughout his meal - but I hate the booster seat.  It gets full of rotten food and stains my chair cushions so this was our solution.  It's surprisingly sturdy, too.

Last night we had some of our closest friends over for dinner.  The menu included lasagna, salad and garlic bread.  I used Trader Joe's three-cheese pasta (which is the best ever) and just followed the recipe on the back of the lasagna box.  I have a serious problem with it though:  what is up with the recipe calling for "uncooked" lasagna?  Every speck of my gorgeous sauce was sucked up by that stupid pasta and the entire dish was completely dry.  I was livid and apologized profusely to our guests. 

The salad was delicioso though.  I always buy Good Seasons italian dressing packet with the free cruet and make it myself - it's amazing!  Just mix the seasonings with vinegar, water and oil!  Super fresh!


We had a great time, despite Lilly's chair tipping backwards causing her to bash her head on the baseboard heater.  (Side note:  Honey, we'd better get a new dining room table before we get sued)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

my tractor baby

That whole nature vs. nurture thing?  I always believed 50/50.  But there has to be one that is dominant, and I'm gonna go with the nature.  There are things coded in our genes that we can't control, and I firmly believe that farming is one of them.  My kid is a farmer and there's nothing I can do about it.

How does that make me feel?  Well, my feelings pretty much reflect Patrick's and he is at his happiest when he's outside by the barns or in the tractor with his Dad.

Although there was a time when I would not have chosen that for my child.  Farming is seriously annoying to me and I'm just now starting to come to terms with all the disadvantages - I've dealt with it my entire life with my Dad, and now with my husband.  Yes, my choice, I know.  But I have to watch two of my favorite men work their asses off 24/7, sun up to sun down, putting their heart and soul into every detail.  Seeding, planting, transplanting, plowing, loading, baling, harvesting, and on and on and on.  And what do they get in the end?  They break even.  A possible profit of $300 if it was a good year.  Is it worth it?  I mean, they haven't seen their kids in 6 months.  In my eyes, it's not worth it.

So when it comes down to what my son wants to do with his life, no, I didn't want that for him. And maybe he won't end up going that route (but he more than likely will) and I will be happy if he is happy. And I mean that.

When I was pregnant with Patrick and we found out it was a boy, I really didn't get the feeling he would be a tractor baby.  I had other thoughts.

But he knew what he wanted.  It was in his genes. 

I know my airplane-lover will come to me someday.  Until then, I have to watch my first born bring me the Tractor House magazine shouting "MOMMY READ."  And I'll embrace every moment of it.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

how i survived 18 months

We're all back to reality tomorrow, Patrick to the babysitter, me going back to school and Jeff, well he'll just do what he's been doing:  working (haha, that sucks).  With my life down time diminishing quickly, I wanted to put together a list of the single most important items that have saved my life over the past 18, well 19 today, months.  Jeff and I actually discussed this.  Like, over dinner.  If we just had to pick one item for each stage, what would they be?


They're pretty self-explanatory so I'm not going to elaborate on each one.  Actually, I believe I've raved over each of these items once or twice before on this here blog.  I know, I know, every family/child is different - but really, they're basics.  Essentials for first-world moms.

What will it be for 18-21 months?  My guess is either the GoGo Squeeze applesauces (that kind of make me sick) or our new TODDLER KITCHEN DE LA SAVING GRACE.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

movie review: G.I. Joe Retaliation

I still can't believe I got talked into seeing this movie.  A few of my fellow teachers really wanted to see it, so I went along.  Obviously I was skeptical.  I mean, a total Man Movie for sure.  And it was also a sequel!  A sequel!  Crap!  I hadn't seen the first one!

You guys, it didn't matter.  The movie was totally LEGIT.  I would actually go as far as saying I was seriously entertained watching it.  The cast was really great, my favorite being Lady Jaye - she was a badass chick with a smoking body.  Is that inappropriate?  Whatever, I'd give my left leg to be shaped like her.

And of course, the ever-hott Channing Tatum graces the screen as well.  I feel like I'm supposed to go ooooo and AHHHH over him, but he doesn't really do it for me.  He's attractive, but his acting seems a little off, awkward maybe?  I don't know.

Besides the cast, the fight scenes were out of this world awesome.  To a girl like me, fighting in movies can seem all the same, nothing unique about it.  But this was different - not only were the special effects incredible but the SCENERY was spectacular.  I don't know where they filmed some of these mountain scenes but it looks like they're 25,000 feet in the air...Nepal maybe?

Even if you haven't seen the prequel, I would suggest taking your boyfriend/husband/dude friend/brother to see this.  He'll be stoked, and you'll be entertained.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

spring break happenings

we've been freezing to death outside, waiting for daddy to get home,
dealing with lines @ the car wash, and cleaning refrigerators.

the kitchen has been a success. 
we've been cooking up chicken fried rice for our friends Brutus & Lamby (stuffed animals).

playing outside has been in 15-minute time allotments.  ::burrrr::

spring is here and daddy is chisel plowing - we got to go on a ride!