Wednesday, May 28, 2014

memorial day weekend

Last year was freezing, the year before was scorching, this year was perfect.  Well okay, I was sweating (which isn't perfect), but it was close to perfect.

Taking two babies to the parade versus one was a serious full-time job.  Since Jeff was in the field, I enlisted my sister to help out.  Her one and only job was chasing Patrick.  

You guys, this kid doesn't sit still.  And he has no social awareness whatsoever.  Am I doing something wrong as a parent?  Are my expectations too high?  I mean, there were no other toddlers in sight who tried to dodge traffic multiple times.

When I could tie him down for a split second, I got to steal some kisses.  Check out that 'fro.  Haircuts are already on the schedule.

This year we got a spot towards the beginning of the parade to ensure a larger candy retrieval number.  It worked.  Not one patriotic person that throws candy can resist a toddler waving an American flag.  Patrick double-fisted with suckers most of the morning.  He also danced, clapped to the beat, and proclaimed "Happy Memorial Day!" to everyone in sight.

Whether or not the general public enjoyed my dancing to the marching bands I'll never know, but Connor sure did.  That kid hit the hay.

Another reason I had to have another adult with us is because in order to transport two children, both of my strollers had to be put to use.  It was the biggest pain - a double stroller has been in my dreams since the weather has gotten nice.

Actually, I purchased a double stroller about a month ago.  After much debate (and an opinion from the Babies 'R' Us attendant "Jodie"), I ended up going with the Baby Trend...I don't know...Sit 'n Stand Double?  Whatever it was, it sucked.  Totally and completely sucked.  The thing weighed as much as a Mack truck and was twice as long.

At only $169.99, you get what you pay for.  The first thing you need to look at when purchasing a double stroller is 1.) What you'll be using it for.  My purpose is for going on walks in our little town, so I really wanted a side-by-side.  "Jodie" kept telling me I should buy a front-to-back because none of those side-by-sides fit through doors.  WHO CARES.

If I wouldn't have had both boys with me (acting a fool in the cart) I could've made a much more sound decision.  I felt pressured and overwhelmed and pissed.  Obviously I returned the stroller the following weekend, and Babies 'R' Us was amazing about it.

So after reading about a million reviews and stalking parents at the zoo, I'm going to bust my wallet into oblivion by purchasing the Baby Jogger City Mini Double.  Everyone says it's the best double stroller, hands down - it just costs a fortune.  At $449.00, they seriously rip you off.  That doesn't even include accessories like a drink tray or a place to put my phone and bloody mary water bottle.  Anyways, I'm getting it.  Even if it takes me three months to save for it.  Bye bye, two strollers.

// memorial day weekend 2013

// memorial day weekend 2012

Sunday, May 11, 2014

happy mother's day

My most sincere wishes to a very happy Mother's Day to all of you (Mama's).
With a heavy heart, I pray for the couple that lost their three year old in the horrific accident last week.  The little boy was playing outside at a family member's house and was hit by a truck.  If you want to read more, @redballoonsforryan is the account on Instagram.  Ryan's mother is a blogger - she is obviously a mother that was full of sunshine and beauty.  My thoughts have been with them daily.  If you are a mother, it's truly unimaginable to think of one of your children going to heaven so young. 
Don't you wonder why things like that happen?  I've been begging God for an answer, and there isn't one.  How can someone believe in God's goodness and mercy after that kind of loss?  It's times like these that even I begin to question my faith.  I just want answers.  And I want them to have their Ryan back.

Friday, May 9, 2014

my best friend's wedding: part 2

Meghan and I met in college.  We were in the same major and therefore taking one of the same classes.  I remember it exactly:  our professor had just got done explaining directions for an activity and had directed us to find a partner to work on it with.  After searching the room for a good-looking smart-looking partner, our eyes met.  "Hi!  I'm Stefanie."  "Hi, I'm Meghan."  The rest is history.  We were in love.

Just kidding.  But not really.

After that we pretty much stayed connected at the hip on campus.  We roomed together my senior year in an amazing townhouse that we loved.  A year later, during her Montessori internship, she actually lived with me and Jeff in our dungeon of an upstairs pre-kids quiet farmhouse.  Since graduating college both of us have driven the four hour drive between our homes multiple times - every single time, it's as if no time has passed.

She introduced me to the city.  I introduced her to the country.

We can quote Mean Girls like we directed it.

Being at her wedding was such an honor.  Like I mentioned before, her and Nick are such a great pair.

The wedding & reception were held at the Battlefield Bed & Breakfast.  It's a huge amount of land with rolling hills, a pond and a stunning old barn that's now strung with antique lights.  It was unbelievably gorgeous.

She was like a Queen, completely regal.

Meghan has awesome taste in music - she likes a little bit of everything, so her playlist was off the hizzy.  Everything from Tim McGraw to MGMT to Sting to the Cuban Shuffle.

And the food was even better.  Each table had a log platter with items from this place, complete with ham, mustard, crackers, assorted fine cheeses, grapes and pickles.  Seriously, it's some of the best food I've had in my life.  For drinks Meghan had it all, but I chose a beer:  Yuengling Summer Wheat.  Yum.

It was the quintessential spring day.  Sunshine, puffy clouds, light breeze, smell of grass.

Watching two people in love always inspires me to love even fiercer.

Thanks for having me, Meggy.  I love you like a sis.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

my best friend's wedding: part 1

My bestest friend in the whole world got married last weekend.  Married!  This guy is perfect for her.  Perfect, I tell you.

Meghan is originally from Cincinnati and her husband (!) Nick is from the Pittsburgh area, so their wedding took place in the picturesque, historical and quaint town of Gettysburg.  I'll tell you more about the actual wedding and location in Part 2 - that it was incredible is an understatement.

Since the wedding was out of state, I had to make a big decision:  drive or fly.  Another decision that was made for me:  I would definitely be taking Connor.  He's still up all night long and still nursing - done deal.  He's never been the greatest in the car seat and eight hours of driving on three hours of sleep obviously wasn't appealing.  I decided that we would fly, and I actually convinced my sister-in-law (Jeff's sister) to go with us!  Woo hoo!  You're the best, Jackie!

Deciding what to pack was something I spent quite a bit of time thinking about prior to the trip.  Checking a bag was not something I felt necessary, so I needed to fit both mine and Connor's things into a carry-on.  Now that the trip is over, I can say with certainty that I am so happy with the few items I brought for us.  I took into consideration Connor's age - 6 months was perfect.  He sits up and was able to play on his own (in the airport, hotel, etc.), but not crawling so fast that I had to chase after him.  He's also not so big that I had to buy a seat for him in the airplane.  I boarded him as a lap infant.


  • NURSING.  You guys, I don't think I could've managed this with formula and bottles.  I know it's been done before by Supermoms but it would've been so stressful (finding clean water).  Breastfeeding eliminated so many items that would've taken up space in our suitcase, and any time Connor fussed on the plane (which was as soon as we sat in our seats) I put him up to the breast and he would calm right down.  He ended up sleeping straight through three out of the four flights.  We had no issues with ears hurting from the pressure difference - in fact, I did a lot of reading that said LEAVE THE DAMN BABY SLEEPING, don't worry about having them suck during take-off and landing.  So I didn't.  And it was perfect.
  • A MEDIUM-WEIGHT STROLLER.  I really struggled with this one.  My other options were my heavy Chicco stroller and a small umbrella stroller.  Ya'll, take the medium weight.  I have this one and it was the best decision I made for our trip.  I mostly used it to transport the diaper bag because Connor likes being held, so it was crucial that I was able to push/maneuver it with just one arm.  It also has storage underneath and two cupholders.  One for Jackie's grande hazelnut latte and one for my grande decaf soy vanilla latte.  BAM.  We gate-checked it for each flight, and most airport cargo workers were very helpful with folding & unfolding, etc.
  • A CARRIER.  Most Mommy's these days have a carrier of some sort and it makes so much sense to travel with it so you can have two arms.  Mine didn't get used a ton on the trip, but it was imperative in the situations where I did use it.  (One being at the reception when Connor was tired and a little chilly.  I put his hat and sweater on him, strapped him and and he was out within seconds.)  Something about hearing Mommy's heartbeat and the low hum of laughter, chatter, and BeyoncĂ©'s Diva in the background just puts a baby to sleep.
  • TOYS.  This seems obvious, but there were a couple toys that were essential and prevented tantrums of gigantic proportions.  1 - A binky strap.  What's the real name?  I don't know, but those things that connect the pacifier to the baby's shirt/stroller/car seat are amazing.  Even though Connor refuses to suck on it, he likes to chew on it.  There were many instances where I needed him occupied but didn't feel like handing him a toy.  2 - Links.  The best.  (I couldn't find the exact package I bought but I believe they're Sassy brand from Target - these are similar) You can connect them to anything to make things longer or reachable for your baby.  I just hooked a long chain of them onto the stroller tray while we were walking through the airport.  Since they're connected, you don't have to worry about the toy falling on the ground and thus saving yourself a sanitizing session.

One thing I do regret is not taking my nice camera.  For some reason I thought it'd be too bulky but now that we've been through it, I see that it wouldn't have been any trouble at all.  Darn.  

Anyways, after doing some sight-seeing it was time to get ready for the wedding!  I'll be back with details!