Friday, May 31, 2013

18 weeks

I know!  The belly looks smaller!!  That's because of the removal of that massive cyst.  I'm not kidding, it was that big - they showed me.  Like, Outback Steakhouse sweet potato-sized.  But belly shrinkage and all, our baby #2 is doing perfect.
  • My next doctor visit is in a few days - that's when we will have the post-surgery talk.  I'm almost 100% recovered and I am so grateful.  I can laugh and sneeze and cough without screaming.  I can run around with Patrick again.  I can wear underwear (that isn't granny panties) again.  My incision is still a very ugly reminder of it all - it actually is still tender to the touch.  But it doesn't matter.  We're all healthy and that is what matters.
  • During a performance of Rumpelstiltskin at school yesterday, the baby really got a good move in and I literally gasped.  It was magnificent.
  • I don't really have "cravings" per say, I just want to eat anything anytime.  Well I take that back - I guess I did have a craving for sour gummy worms a couple weeks ago.  I told my class about it, promising that anyone who brought me a bag of them would get extra credit (which was a big deal because I do not give extra credit).  The next day one of my 8th graders brought me in the most gigantic bag of Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers you ever saw.  It was like a neverending bag.  The sight of it kind of makes me want to barf now.
  • I'm slowly compiling a list of "things" I want for the new baby that I didn't have with Patrick.  For example, a wipes warmer.  I thought that was the most idiotic thing ever, but now I realize how much more comfortable on the tush it must be to have a warm wipe versus a polar ice glacier wipe. 
  • I'm already to the point where it's hard to sit or stand for long periods of time.  People are really in the mode of offering me chairs and I just can't get enough.  Why yes, I'd love to sit down.  And it's also hard going up three flights of stairs to my classroom.  For real, I'm not complaining.  It just is.  (It's hard not prego too.  Stairs suck.)
  • By the way, my due date is Halloween.  Yes, 10-31-13.  You all know how much I love Halloween (::side eye::).  But now I have to learn to love it for other reasons.  Besides, what are the chances the baby will come on his/her due date?  Five percent.  That's a little high for my comfort zone... 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

memorial day weekend




We've got this place near us called "The Deer Park."  There's deer everywhere and they just bombarded us and our brown bags (that's where the deer food is kept).  You put some food in your hand and they eat right out of it.  It's kind of disgusting, really.
I was torn between how pitiful it was and how neat it was.
We also went to a cookout...


Cookouts used to be relaxing but now involve chasing toddlers and kicking balls and rolling in grass.  And I love every minute of it.

I made a patriotic fruit pizza which didn't hold a candle (aesthetically) to last year's dessert but was delicious nonetheless.

We also played a lot with this new Fubbles bubble machine - it rocks.  For only $12.99 at Target, I was sold.  But don't forget your AAA batteries.  I had to pull them out of our remote...and put them back in...and pull them back out...
Then we went to the parade!


It was the highlight of our weekend!  It's so gratifying seeing underdressed kids in freezing weather and gospel choir members that are walking in the parade and talking on their cell phones at the same time.

No but really, it was great regardless of the unique people we saw.  We went with a fellow teacher and her son who's just a few months younger than Patrick.  He is so chill.  I left there wondering if there was something crazy wrong with Pat's busy GO GO GO NOW attitude.  But realized of course there isn't!  He's perfect just the nuts-o way he is.

The weekend wouldn't be complete without our prayers Monday night for the soldiers and for all the men and women who have served our country.  I freaking love the US of A and know with every cell in my body how blessed we are to raise our family here.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

clothing myself this summer

Something about only having ONE store to choose from whilst pregnant makes it so much easier to shop.  For the most part, I've stuck with Destination Maternity for every look I've needed to accomplish. 

This summer hosts several events that I will (obviously) need a new outfit for.  And there won't be any repeats.  I've got...

1.  My 10-year high school reunion.  What?  Yeah.  And I swear I always knew I'd be pregnant for it.  No boozing it up and making out with high school crushes for me.  Anyways, I need the perfect outfit.  Should I go casual or dressy-casual?  Defintely heels.  Definitely big curls.  This is my idea:  it's $99 - worth it?  I think so!

2.  My best (guy) friend's wedding.  How exciting is this?  He's like my brother, even though we rarely talk anymore.  It's July 6th, so I won't be showing too much at that point.  I'm loving this option, since the reception is a bit more formal than your average.

3.  My childhood best friend's little brother's wedding.  This guy was like family growing up and I am so damn happy for him.  I don't have an invite yet (just a save-the-date) so I'm not too sure about the details.  Possibly this fabulous dress with wedges:

4.  A "sprinkle" for my twin prego (we literally conceived one day apart).  It's been five years since she's had a baby and she'll need a lot of new baby items so I'm throwing her a party.  I am so blasted excited to see her on this day, glowing like crazy I'm sure.  As the host I want to be comfortable and able to move around easily, yet still look put together:

5.  My husband's cousin's wedding.  Otherwise known as my favorite in-law family member.  She's supremely class, has sensational taste in clothes, and will have a stunning wedding.  I can't wait.  This event takes place in October - that means I will have a seven-pounder rolling around in my belly and I'll need to be comfortable (to an extent).  I'm thinking this ensemble:

So there you have it, only $500 for my summer events wardrobe.  Time to start ordering!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

slow cooker BBQ beef (or pork!)

We love us some slow cooker meals up in this house.  Make the cole slaw the night before, throw the ingredients together in the morning, and have yourself a no-fuss dinnertime.  And I've found that this recipe (once you've done it a couple times) can be done in less than 15 minutes.  Did you hear me?

A chuck roast or a Boston butt pork roast (2-4 pounds)
1 large onion, sliced
1 c. ketchup
1/4 c. lemon juice
3 T. Woosteshire
2 T. vinegar
2 T. brown sugar
s & p to taste
1/2 t. liquid smoke
Combine ingredients.  Place in crockpot with roast.
Beef - low for 8-9 hours.
Pork - low for 7 hours
Have your favorite BBQ sauce and kaiser rolls on hand to make your sandwich!
Don't leave out the liquid smoke - it makes the meal.  You can find it with the sauces and condiments.  Oh, and don't spill any.  You'll smell like a rib cookoff for a week.

springtime feelings

Spring is amazing.  Vitamin D, sunscreen, planting flowers, buying sandals and bubbles and chalk and water tables and pool toys and sun hats...

I am in a profession where things happen with seasons.  With spring, there's that feeling of excitement and anticipation for the last day of school.  As I become more of a seasoned teacher, I notice things much easier.  For example, that moment when things go from academically-focused to summer-focused.  I like to call it "the shift."

A couple Fridays ago, as I was walking to lunch (I have to walk between buildings) there was a group of Kindergartners in line getting ready for their recess release.  It was like watching bulls waiting for the gate to open - in other words, pure insanity.  They were screaming.  And it was then that I noticed "the shift."  Right before my eyes, things went from good to bad.  Calm to chaotic, instantly.  It has something to do with the sunshine - it just gives them this tangible energy that (I have to admit) is so strong it even rubs off on me a little.

With this weekend being Memorial Day weekend (3rd fave holiday), I'm feeling ultra patriotic.  Target's dollar section did me in this time.  It's typical for me to walk on by without noticing, but the red white & blue caught my eye.  I hate you Target.  I ended up loading up on pendant banners and table toppers all for the sake of the USA.  We do have a cookout planned with some friends so it'll get put to use, but still.  That crap adds up.

On the subject of red white & blue, mine and Patrick's Memorial Day parade outfits have already been purchased from Old Navy and are ready to go for the big day.  Yes, it's a big day.  With my growing bump I didn't have too much of a choice but to pick up an ugly $5.00 tank top but whatever.  And even the toddler selections sucked so we're going simple this year with a white tee and baby shades.  Last year it was scorching hot but it looks like it will be much milder this year in Ohio.

Spring also gets me thinking about summer.  Summer as in being off work.  Summer as in spending three months with my little guy who isn't going to be my only little guy in not that much longer.  Because there's another one on the way it's making this summer look that much more bittersweet.  So in a way I'm not quite ready for school to end because I know how special this summer will be, in a good way and in a bad way. 

So how will we spend it?

Probably in the dollar section of Target.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

the creepiest stuff on nick jr.

Now that my child happily watches TV,  Nick Jr. reigns.  Although I like a lot of what they have to offer (Peppa Pig, Dora...) it sure has its creepy goin' on in other shows.  These are in no particular order - they're just all freaking weird.

1.  Yo Gabba Gabba.

Okay. With songs like Party in My Tummy where they actually show food and drinks having a party in a real stomach, I can't even stand to mute it - the TV is turned off immediately.  They remind me of Teletubbies, except Teletubbies was better.  And that's saying something.  Please watch this video of the Teletubbies hip-hop dancing.  It's one of my all-time favorites.

2.  Bubble Guppies.

This show has quickly become the most popular show of all time on Nick.  Not gonna lie, I do love the little nerdy redhead, but there's something about the huge heads and tiny flipper that freaks me out.

3.  The Fresh Beat Band.

See these faces?  It's like that the entire time.  It's exhausting.  Oh and thanks Fresh Beat, your stupid songs are in my head all night long.

4.  The Blue Mermaid Song by Jordin Sparks

When this song premiered a couple weeks ago, Jeff and I looked at each other with literally nothing to say - it's like you can't even make fun of it - it's that creepy.  I also love how they made the mermaid plus-sized to mimic Jordin's body type.  I would've socked that graphic designer in the jaw if I were her.
5.  Max & Ruby
This one isn't horribly creepy.  I just wish Max would reach up and smack his sister once in a while.  I'm so sick of her bossing him around.  GET A FRIEND, RUBY.
6.  Lalaloopsy
This show is a new one that's very obviously geared towards little girls.  That pisses me off of course.

The characters remind me of Edward Scissor Hands. 


Am I right or am I right? 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

if it's a boy, if it's a girl

If it's a girl...
I'm thinking yellow.  Happy, optimistic, cheerful. 

If it's a boy...
I'm thinking marine blue.  Soothing, safe, relaxed.

Both of these crib sheets can be purchased at Iviebaby on Etsy.  I love, love, love everything Elizabeth has in her shop.  The patterns are modern and unique - plus you don't have to hand any money over to big businesses.  Win/win.

I'm also obsessed with this entire color scheme for either a boy or a girl:


If it's a girl...
We have two name options.  One begins with an L and the other begins with an M.  Hint:  Both are Irish.

If it's a boy...
We have no options. 

Jeff has given me one name that he likes.  Connor.  That's a big fat NO.  I really have no ideas other than Samuel, and of course Jeff hates that as much as I hate Connor.  Shit.

FYI:  I promise I will tell you the name once we know - it won't be kept a secret until the birth.  I happen to think that is just plain cruel.  People need to know these things, and I understand that.

Speaking of names, there was a baby girl that got baptized at church this morning.  As the priest was getting close to the part where he asks "And what name have you chosen for your daughter?"  I was just thinking be unique, be unique, PLEASE.  The parents answered Sophia Rose.

WHAT?  COME ON.  I bet there were 450 other babies born TODAY given that same name.  I am so tired of those common names you hear every single day, at every single birth announcement.  Get an imagination.

And then I slapped myself in the face for being rude.  I really do think you should name your baby whatever you want, regardless of the circumstances.  If you love it, go for it.  So I guess they loved Sophia Rose - more power to 'em.

Friday, May 17, 2013

an unexpected surgery

Wow, where to begin?  The past five days have been very tough - both for me and for my hubby.

After an ambulance ride and ER visit due to excruciating pain on my left side (where there is a large cyst), my OB told me I had two choices: 

1.)  Wait it out.  The cyst is like a ticking time bomb, but you don't have to have anything done if you don't want to.  But if the cyst were to burst it could kick you into pre-term labor.  (not good)

2.)  Have the cyst removed.  There are major risks involved - internal bleeding could also cause pre-term labor.  Plus, you'll have a five-inch long incision and the recovery of a c-section.  (not good either)

The tears that ran down my face finally dried up and I made a decision - to have the cyst removed.  It was terrifying, any tiny thought of losing this perfect child growing inside of me.  But we did it - the surgery went perfect and our baby is perfect.  I truly cannot show the intense gratitude I feel for all of my students, family, teachers and friends for praying for us.  It is the reason everything went so well.  Now I'm, at home recovering, trying and failing to take care of Patrick.  We are so fortunate to have my mom and in-laws here helping out.

Please keep us in your prayers as I continue to recover over the next couple of weeks!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

happy mother's day!

Happy Mother's Day to all Mommies:
ones that used to be mommies,
ones that are currently mommies,
ones that want to be mommies,
and ones who will be mommies.
We are all in this together.  <3

15 weeks

  • 15 weeks starts the belly photos!  Aren't you excited?  I am.  Not going to lie, sometimes I forget I'm pregnant, so these will help me remember the beauty of it.
  • How do I feel?  Excellent.  Weeks 6-12 were rough.  There were days where I couldn't concentrate on anything except the nausea, and I'm so thankful that it's worn off completely.  The only two symptoms that are killing me right now are the exhaustion and the three bathroom trips at night.  It wouldn't be so bad if we had a bathroom right next to our bedroom but it's waaaaaaaaay on the other side of the house.  I know, more first world problems.
  • I've seen the doctor twice and everything looks good - I'm measuring correctly and he found the heartbeat much easier this time (heart rate was 165).
  • So far, no weight gain.  As a matter of fact, I weigh the exact same as I did with Patrick at this point.  How can my clothes not fit but I haven't gained anything?  I don't get it.
  • I know it sounds crazy, but I swear I felt the baby move last week and I've felt it a few times since then too.  Of course it has to be when I'm sitting very still, and usually when I'm lying on my stomach.  I just feel a tiny little "push" and I love it.
  • I freaking love being pregnant and I've already taken full advantage of my students as well as my husband.  Conversations (that are one-sided) go something like this:
      • "I'm pregnant so I can't lift that.  You'll need to grab a partner and do it with them."
      • "I'm pregnant - get up.  Let me sit in that chair."
      • "Boy those steps are intense.  Let's all take a five minute break because I'm pregnant and the baby needs to rest."
      • "I'm pregnant.  Can I get a few of those fries?"
      • "No I can't eat lunch meat.  HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF BACTERIA?  So I'll need double of the veggie please."
      • "Honey, I can't watch Alligator Alley or Polar Bears Threatened.  The harsh conditions that the animals have to face makes me so upset.  I mean, I'm pregnant.  Can't we watch Titanic instead?
  • As far as baby prep, all I've done is some thinking.  Mainly in precarious situations with Patrick I will think What would I do with a newborn right now?  Like, where would they be?  How would I be managing this?!  And then I answer myself by saying You'll figure it out.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

patrick at 20 months

You're the coolest kid around, buddy.  I swear you are.  I love so many things about you, but here are some of the things I love right now.

I love that...
  • you want cookies at 3 am.
  • you can spot a semi-truck a half mile away.  i'm jealous of your eyesight, dude.
  • you say 'tractor ride' 250 times a day.
  • you run full force to your daddy when he gets home.
  • you want ice cubes in your milk.
  • sometimes when i turn around you've unscrewed your sippy lid and there's a puddle of water on the floor - you say "oh no!"
  • you scoot your chair up to the counter to watch me cook.  but you also pull bananas off their bunches, peel garlic, push down the toaster...
  • you smile with my diamond ring bling blinging out of your teeth.  (true story)
  • you will cuddle with me and watch TV.
  • you can sit and watch and episode of wow wow wubzy on youtube and give your mommy 12 minutes of blissful peace.  thanks, sweetheart.
  • you aren't afraid of anything.
  • you repeat things i say.  for instance, "right here bud!" or "hey cutie!"  it sounds so much better in your voice.
  • you love being outside just like your mom & dad.
  • you put your butt up to the faucet in the bathtub and let the water run down your back.
  • when i say there's a baby in my belly, you pat your belly too.
  • you love me as much as i love you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

a really easy apple pie

1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
1/2 t. cinnamon
dash of salt
8-9 apples (or 5 large apples)
1 Pillsbury pie crust (or you can make your own)
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c. flour
1/2 c. butter, softened
Peel and slice all apples.  Put in a large bowl and mix all filling ingredients together.  Pour into pie crust.  In a separate bowl mix all topping ingredients together with a pastry blender; crumble on top of pie.
Bake at 425° for 35-40 minutes.  I covered the edges of the crust with foil for the first 20 minutes.
Serve with vanilla ice cream.  MMMmmmm!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

my pregnancy workout

Now that I'm finally feeling better, the working out is on.  Twice a week is my goal - once during the school week and once on the weekend.  Fair enough, right, considering I have a small human being running the show around here?
The best videos I have found are FREE on Youtube.  They're made by a woman who goes by Dr. Cathy - she's a nutritionist and a chiropractor, has two children and has a banging body.  But what I love about her is that she filmed her workouts in her backyard so they're very personal.  You feel like she's talking directly to you, coaching you through it.  What's even better is that the videos are only in the 7-8 minute range, so even if you don't have time to do a couple different videos twice, you can fit in a quick one and feel good about it.  I don't know about you other pregos, but a 60-minute pilates session sounds horrible whilst carrying around a lemon-sized baby.
Dr. Cathy has five different videos - a warm-up, biceps & legs, chest & triceps, back & butt, and my personal favorite - yoga.  None of them are too challenging, they're just enough so you feel refreshed and strong.  I used these videos up until I went into labor with Patrick, so even when your baby is no longer lemon-sized but watermelon-sized, they're doable.
Another bonus is that you don't need a ton of gear.  I hate gear.
{And if you only have one set of weights or you only feel comfortable with the lighter set, no biggie.}


I even used her videos after I had Patrick.  Well, like twice.  Happy exercising!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

stone lab 2013

Hey ya'll!  I just got back from my 6th graders class trip on Gibralter Island (near Put-in-Bay if you're familiar).  We visited the Stone Lab that's run by The Ohio State University - it was a blast.  I got to go last year as well and this year was just as fun.  I can't show you all 200 pictures that I took of my students (because I'd be arrested) but here are a few shots of me on the island.

You can see we had the most perfect weather on our very own and very beautiful Lake Erie!