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refusing to smile. |
14.5 lbs.
starting to wear 6-12 month clothes
size 3 diapers
you love: when we interact with you, laying on the ground and kicking around, and seeing the movements on TV.
you hate: being laid down when you need something - and you always need something.
Your smiles and coo's are a major source of my melting heart these days! You just love being talked to, and you'll gladly (and easily) hand over a doozy of a smile. I literally get tears in my eyes when you do this to me. You've even shown us that you can "laugh" and it's so cute. You get so excited!
You're much more predictable this month. I know when you'll cry and I know when you'll remain calm. I've got your cries down to a science - the hungry squawk, the tired screech and the dirty diaper GET THIS THING OFF OF ME cry. Speaking of cries, that colic I thought you had? It disappeared! After talking with your doctor I decided to try a dairy decrease in my diet - no cereal, no glasses of milk, no cheese, yogurt or ice cream. It took a solid two weeks to see the difference, but it worked. You are sensitive to that milk protein, buddy! I'll even notice that when I have something that has cheese in it (like broccoli cheddar soup) you will be very fussy the next day. Bad Mommy! I really have to watch it. But most days, you are content and happy. Thank heavens!
Your most favorite place to be is on my chest. You love to be bounced and rocked and moved around. You especially love it when I am having a conversation with someone. It puts you right to sleep.
During the day I still can't count on anything consistent with naps. You like to snooze here and there, sometimes you'll give me a nice afternoon nap. At night you're still pretty awesome, sleeping 8-5 and waking up at 12:30 and 4. The only problem is that I am up for the day at 4. Ouch!
After being completely annoyed by your brother last month, you've really started to enjoy him. You'll sometimes settle down when he talks to you. And boy does he love you - always giving you kisses and hugs. We're like the three amigos. Here we are wearing the scarves that Aunt Claud knitted for us.
Kinda weird...Kinda cute.
xoxo and Happy Two Months.