Tuesday, December 3, 2013

connor at 1 month


11.5 lbs.
3-6 month clothes
size 2 diapers
You're a big one, buddy!
You love:  eating, being spoken to, eating, snuggling, eating, fresh air, eating and being held.
You hate:  being alone, traveling, shopping and a dirty diaper.
You're starting to smile!  It's so beautiful.  You're making some goo goo sounds and it makes you really proud when you get it just right.  You also love looking at toys that hang, which is why you like to chill on your changing table once in a while.
You're a little pisser.  You've got an opinion and aren't afraid to show it.  We're actually pretty hesitant (and nervous) to accept that you're a colicky baby.  You just sca-ream when I put you down, and most anytime when you're awake.  Poor guy!  Poor Mommy.
You sleep from 8-5, waking twice to eat.  Once from 11-12 and again from 2-3, and that's on a good night.  Your naps during the day aren't consistent at all, but I can usually rely on at least a good two hour nap sometime in the afternoon and you take a few other short ones throughout the day.
You get a bath every night at 6:30 and you love it.  Sometimes we drain the water when it gets cool and fill it up with new warm water so we can enjoy it a little longer.  This month I'm going to start reading to you after your bath while your brother and Daddy take their showers.  It will be our quiet time.  (At least that's what we're shooting for.)
At the end of the day, when you're snoozing soundly, I thank God he has given you to me.  I am so lucky to be your Mom.  xoxo & Happy One Month.

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