Thursday, January 8, 2015

whole30: week 1 (again)

I wonder where Patrick got his giant eyes?  Check out those things!

Here we go again!

It's been an amazing week thus far - I definitely had a couple tough moments, but nothing compared to my first go at it.

In fact, the most challenging craving was this morning when I made toast with strawberry jam for the gentlemen of the household.  It smelled so good.  I told Jeff he'd better scarf it quick because I couldn't stand it any longer.

He did.

So I know we're not supposed to weigh ourselves while on this program but I couldn't help it.  I've never been much of a scale hopper (we don't even own one) but I have one in my classroom for science demos and such...and it just happened.  I stepped on it and was completely shocked.  I lost five pounds in less than a week.  This is not to "brag" by any means, it just shows how much my former eating habits were affecting my body.

I've been trying to keep up with everything I've been eating over on Instagram, not only to hold myself accountable, but it's also nice to look back for inspiration on days when I'm clueless as to what I can eat.  Pinterest has been a God-send.

Last night I started yoga at my gym - I'm totally hooked!  It felt so good to stretch out all my muscles and to meet some nice elderly women.  Now I just need my own mat and some new leggings.  Is anyone else uhb-sessed with workout clothes?  They're so damn cute, not to mention twice as expensive as my teaching clothes.

That's it for now, it's a snow day (it's actually a -14° wind chill) today so I get to hang out with my own personal zoo animals boys.  We're about to go on "a mission."

To infinity and beyond!

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